Ed Balls Considering Porn Career

There has been a lot of speculation over the past few days about what Ed Balls would be doing next – the former MP hovering over the private sector like a portly condor, inspiring worry and nausea in all those below. The speculation ended this morning, however, as Ed Balls declared his intention of entering…

Missing Liberal Democrats Spotted in Boris Johnson’s Maw

There are reports this morning that several of the Liberal Democrats that went missing after the general election have been spotted in the mighty and monstrous maw of Conservative polar bear-man, Boris Johnson. New information on how the ousted MPs came to be mayoral mouth-fodder has also been brought to light by a resurfaced, junior…

Human Rights Act to be Replaced by ‘Human Wrongs’ Act

Following their well-received turd-flushing of The Human Rights Act, the Conservative government has now announced the follow up – a little piece of legislature that they have called ‘The Human Wrongs Act.’ The full Act has yet to be revealed, but The Hourly Terrier was gifted a sneak peak, and we have comprised for you…

George Galloway Returns to Home Planet

It has sensationally been revealed that former MP and cat-man, George Galloway, was actually a spaceman-envoy from the Galactic Federation of Planets. George had been sent here to assess the planet for potential inclusion amongst the super-sentient intelligences of the cosmos, but the final verdict is that humanity has been found lacking. George had this…

Wales Missing – Northern Ireland Suspected

In a surprising turn of events, the country of Wales has vanished from Great Britain, with geographers worried that it may have been missing for several weeks.   Attention has been even further away from Wales than usual over the past few months, as an increasingly important Scotland scared the voters of England by threatening…